Saturday night, and i have just got back from the best party that has happened since 1999. Haha! just kidding, i'm sitting alone in my room 'raving' to my itunes.
i'm in one of those moods where having a party is all i can think about. thank godness i have one to go to this week. but thats 5 days away. damn.
however, as usual, the dilemma will approach me. What on earth am i going to wear? in need of a serious shopping trip i think!
Internet shopping; as much as i love it, it makes me realise how poor i actually am and think about how lovely it would be to win the lotttery! of course, if i won, i would donate a generous amount to charity, because im such a kind soul (i'd like to think).
the chances of me winning though are slim, because to actually have a slight chance of winning i would need to buy a ticket, i mean people just don't get money left on their door step, although that would be nice.
Personally, i think the tooth fairy should increase her rates. surely a tooth is worth more than £1 nowadays? Even so, i'd still be loosing out, my 'baby teeth' fell out years ago. back to the drawing board i think...
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