Sunday, 17 April 2011

High school, Priorities and Friendship

first day of high school, and we are encouraged to make friends with as many new people as possible, and after a while you realise that although you remain friends with a few from primary school, the rest become distant strangers.
   Five or so years later, you are approaching the last couple months of year 11. exams, future plans all become priorities, with other commitments falling to the bottom of your list.
  Sitting in my garden this afternoon, made me start thinking about these things and how i haven't exactly had much contact from some so called 'friends' this holiday. in fact, none at all.
  This then got me on another train of thought, and here it is.
Throughout our time at high school, we make half-hearted promises, insisting that we 'will never forget you' but you have to be realistic here, and we have all done it, but when you step back and think about it, how many of these people are you actually going to stay in contact with?

  My easter holiday so far has been an indication to me, to give an idea as to which people are likely to still be in contact in six months time and which people, quite simply, don't give a fuck.
  Although i would be quite sad if some people didn't stay in touch, im sure that i would get over it. i mean what is the point trying to continue a friendship if the other person is not bothered about it at all. It's a two way street and sometimes it's best just to give way to the other person.

However, time will only tell and in some cases im sure that i wont be shocked if when we pass on the street, we act as distant strangers...

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