Friday, 15 April 2011

Laziness, Revision and Mcdonald's Workers! :)

Yet another day is almost over, and today I am feeling like I have acomplished very little, probably because I haven't.
   There is an evergrowing list of stuff that 'needs' to be done and most probably my biggest problem is that im either a) too lazy to get it done or b) too laid back to not worry about the consequences that will follow if I don't do it. Most Probably more of the first part!

  Of course, the stuff I am mentioning is obviously revision! It's not as if i want bad grades, I mean who wants to work in a miserable, underpaid job? (sorry, to those mcdonalds workers who adore their job.) The problem is finding the effort to revise, and the motivation to carry on revising when the twitter feed increases every minute... 3 new tweets, 12 new tweets, until you get to the point where you think after being told there are 56 new tweets, it's time to reward yourself and check these tweets. So at this point how many minutes revision have you done? 10 if your lucky.
  So I leave this question with you all.. How do you revise?!


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