Saturday, 16 April 2011

Awkward Moments, Old People and Costa

 Awkward Moments; possibly the most over said phrase used in the youth of today. You cannot go one day without hearing "The awkward moment when..." at least once. So much so, I think it is now time to say, that we need to find a new catchprase.
   It does not stop me, however, from telling you all about the awkward minutes (not moments) I experienced today with old people.
   I'll be the first to admit, as a youth, the older generation, are not the kind of people who I feel socially comfortable with, although they seem to get a kick out of speaking to me.

  Walking into Costa, I feel in my element. I suggest to my dad that he takes a seat, I can order here. I can speak fluent Costa, so ordering doesn't seem a great deal. Enter, retired man.
    Patiently waiting for my iced drink and dad's hot choc, this man starts talking. At first I ignore him, certain he is not talking to me, but he gets louder and I feel rude not to reply. This is awkward moment number one. He continues to engage conversation about milk and eventually he stops, closes his eyes and rocks back and forward. Great. I bored an old man to sleep.

   Whilst enjoying my iced dessert, an old lady stops by the window. She obviously knows my dad as they have a full blown conversation through the window. She then turns to me, trying to have a similar conversation. As fluent as I am in Costa terms, I am not fluent in window talking, hence awkward moment number two arrives.

   In short, we all are slapped round the face with awkward moments, and although life would be great without them, they provide hilarious stories and the chance to laugh at yourself once in a while. But sometimes the best stories are told in person and not through the computer screen, so next time you feel the urge to type that irresistable status 'The awkward moment when...' think, and ask yourself this would it sound much better if i said it out loud?!

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