Sunday, 17 April 2011

The London Marathon, Goals, Satisfaction

Of course, today was the London Marathon. Thousands of people line up at the start line to achieve the difficult 26 mile course, raising lots of money for charity.
  Although defeating the object, I sat on my sofa watching the highlights of the event, whilst eating my dinner. Twitter seemed to go mad throughout the day with people expressing how much they would like to complete the marathon one day.

  However, many of us have marathons of our own and although they may not require the physical training that is needed to run 26 miles, they still seem a distant goal. For example, your own personal marathon doesn't need to be able to run 26 miles, it could be something like trying to achieve good grades at GCSE. This goal still needs the training, yet it is in the form of training your brain to memorise inportant facts.
   Like completing a marathon, these goals drain you but the satisfaction you receive from completing it is undescribable.

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