Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Holiday Gifts: Florida, Turkey & Majorca!

It has been a busy summer. Lots of people I know and myself have been on holiday abroad this year and along with a relaxing break from everyday life, it also gives you the opportunity to do a bit of shopping and buy a few souvenirs or products that are cheaper than their usual retail price. I've been very lucky this summer and have received some lovely souvenirs and presents from people I know that have been on holiday.
At the very end of August, my sister went to Turkey for a week long break. whilst she was there she got me these converse type shoes. Obviously they are not the actual brand, but they are extremely close to the real thing and they are really comfortable. I go through shoes really quickly and so these are perfect for me seeing as my other white shoes are now a lovely shade of grey.

Also from Turkey, my sister got me a range of lovely bracelets. I pretty much wear bracelets on my right arm all of the time and so it was great to add some to my collection. This bracelet above features the Turkish Eye, which is a symbol of luck, but I also really like the Aztec pattern around the edge of the beads. It is a beautiful bracelet and I love the colours of it as well. 
I also got given this rope styled bracelet, which has different wooden beads on with of different shapes and sizes. Originally this bracelet also had a small shark tooth in the centre, but this fell off whilst I was in the shower one morning and I haven't been able to find it to put it back on. 
The final bracelet I received from Turkey was this shell and beaded one. I love the brightly coloured beads and the three shells as well. I've always been a fan of shelled bracelets and this is like the fourth one I've had but I haven't had a chance to wear it yet because I've currently got another shell bracelet on. 

Whilst I was on holiday myself in Majorca,  I also picked up a few bracelets amongst other things myself. Above is a simple bracelet I brought for around 2 euros, but I love the bright colours and the pattern made. It is also meant to represent happiness and I think it goes well with the other bracelets I've received and brought this summer.

Here are the bracelets which I am currently wearing on my wrist. On the far left are two of the bracelets from Turkey. Next is the blue threaded bracelet from Majorca and then I have a green-ish wooden bracelet which I got this summer from my mum and step-dad when they went to Aruba.
 Next is my silver chain bracelet which I've had for years and years, and is on my wrist most of the time and I think that this just breaks up the other bracelets that I'm wearing. Finally is my current shell bracelet, which is also from Majorca this summer and it goes well with the other bracelets because they all match and look stunning together.

I've also had a slight obsession with buying rings. I especially like the big statement rings and I'm also a big fan of silver jewellery as well. Whilst we were shopping in Majorca, I saw this little ring in one of the small tourist type shops and couldn't resist it. Although it's smaller than the typical rings that I would buy, I love the detailing and engraving on it and for only 10 euros I bought it. I think I've decided after buying this ring and also one on my previous trip to Tunisia, I am going to continue to buy a ring in every country I visit.

My best friend has recently been on an amazing trip to Florida and she brought me back some lovely gifts that tie in well with the Disney and Universal theme! I'm not sure if she remembers this but when she went to Tenerife a few years ago she got me a fridge magnet and she has continued the trend with this cool magnet featuring the Disney characters, which now lives right next door to the Tenerife magnet.

I also got a Florida and Universal Studios pen and pencil which always comes in handy. These will probably live in my handbag as I'm always looking for one when I'm out and about and I really love the colours of them too!

Finally I received a key-ring from Universal Studios, a thing 1 to be precise. I love this key-ring and it was immediately put onto my keys.
  I've been so lucky to receive all these lovely gifts this summer and I love each and every one of them. They've come from all over the world and from a variety of people but each gift has been put to good use! :)

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