Thursday, 29 May 2014

Throwback Thursday Week 3: Childhood Photos

A few weeks ago, I decided to start writing a series of posts using the popular 'Throwback Thursday' idea as inspiration.
  I started off the posts with an introduction and my Year 11 prom and followed this up last week by looking through my Facebook profile pictures.

  This week I have been searching through the old family photo albums and looking back at some photos taken whilst I was growing up and thought that I would share them in the form of this blog post.
  In this first photo I am clearly rocking the trends that teenagers and adults are wearing in 2014! I appear to be wearing some gorgeous red tracksuit bottoms and what we now call a 'snapback.' Obviously I was creating trends that would catch on years later without even realising it. Haha.
  I'm not sure how old I am in this photo, but I would imagine I was around 2 and I can see that I am loving my first ever car which I can still remember using throughout my childhood.

 In this next photograph I look much older and I think I must have been about 7 years old when this was taken. With me in the photo is my Auntie and you can just about see the London Eye in the background.
 My Auntie used to live and work in London and I remember this was the day that I went on the London Eye for the first time after queuing for what seemed like forever. Along with my Mum, Dad and Sister we met my Auntie in London and spent the day sightseeing. It's hard to believe that this must have been around 12 years ago now, especially because I can still remember parts of this day.
  My auntie always used to wear the red coat pictured here and you can see that some of my own clothes have been inspired by her because I am sporting a rather lovely red coat to match. I'm not quite so sure on my hair, especially because my fringe has parted here so I look as though I have curtains. Not a good look.
  I'm not sure what I'm holding in my hand but I think it might be a teddy bear wrapped in cellophane or something similar. This photo must have been taken in the Winter as it doesn't look particularly warm, but considering that it's England it could well have been the middle of summer for all I know.

The car makes another appearance! I wasn't lying when I said that I loved this toy car growing up and here I am again looking a bit older than before actually inside it this time.
 I remember pretending to fill this car up with fuel because of the pretend fuel cap and that I used to like people pushing my around in it as opposed to using my own feet to get around. I also remember it wasn't very good on grass and so tried to use this on the pavement and patio as much as possible.
  Looking back now, the fashion here isn't too bad and I could quite easily see someone today wearing a jumper similar to the one that I'm wearing.
  Next up is a photo of my sister, myself and my dad. This was taken on a family holiday when I was about 7 years old. I don't remember much about this photo apart from the fact that we were in Spain but I love this photo because it isn't posed, it's just a spontaneous moment.
  My dad looks really tall and tanned here in comparison to how small me and my sister look here.
 Our mum's fashion taste also comes through here as she dressed both me and my sister when we were younger. Bold colours and floral print was obviously a favourite choice, although looking at it now I'm not a huge fan of my blue sandals. I'm also not sure why I'm wearing a bib whilst enjoying my ice cream because surely I had grown out of that stage by then.
  This is one of my favourite pictures from my childhood and always makes me feel happy when I look at it because it has two of my favourite people in it. I've lived with my dad and sister for my whole life so far and it's hard to imagine life without them.

To finish off this post I thought that I would include a photo of myself with one of my first ever pets. Although I've always had cats, this hamster was the first pet that I could call my own and I loved her. I think this may have also been the hamster that went on to have 12 babies one day before eating all but 3 of them. These 3 survivors went to three of my best childhood friends, which for some of them was their first ever pet too.
  For a large part of my childhood I sported this bobbed haircut with a full fringe, probably because it was easier for my mum to wash, brush and maintain. I'm glad now that these days of terrible hair have gone and the fringe has gone for good!
 I'm also rocking some beautiful Barbie pyjamas, which screams out typical child of the 90's.
 I also like how natural this photo appears to be, and that I'm not playing up to the camera of posing. I'm just holding and enjoying the company of my hamster and this is probably where my love of animals and pets originally started.

I've really enjoyed looking back at some of the old photos I found of both myself and my family. So much has changed since these photos were taken in terms of both personal changes and also fashion and social changes. It's good to have these reminders to look back on and I'm glad I found them.   

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