Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Time for a break?

One thing I've realised lately is that no matter how much you think you have done, you could always do more. This is true in every aspect of life you look at, whether it be work, friends, family or school. After finishing my AS studies in late June, the 25th to be precise, I thought that I would be able to relax and enjoy the following 3 months before starting all over again in September, for my final year of Sixth Form. It seemed that all the energy that I previously had vanished, along with the self motivation that I had improved over the past year. There was however, no time to rest and unwind because as soon as half term had been and gone, I was expected to start work in prepartion for Year 13. At the time it seemed like a brilliant idea, getting a head start on the year ahead, meaning there would be less work to do over the summer and perhaps even a less stressful September. So I was then given the work I was expected to complete. This consisted of a variety of tasks throughout my subjects, such as reading, writing letters, sketching, writing analysis and taking photographs. There was also the added pressure of beginning to write my personal statement for University. There was nothing I desired more at this point than a rest. The opportunity to sit back and not have to worry about the work mounting higher and higher and trust me, it did. The more I sat at home pretending that I was relaxing, wasting the days away, the more work that was put on the pile to do. It was only last week that I realised I had got myself into a horrible situation. A situation I told myself I wouldn't let myself fall into. Overwhelmed with work, one day I had to face the fact that this work wasn't going to go away and decided it was time to actually do something about it. As weird as it sounds, I think I actually like feeling stressed and the satisfaction of finishing a task. Naturally I am very ambitious and determined, yet I feel that after working so hard for this past year my mind is trying to tell me it needs a break. Having a break isn't as simple as just putting the work to one side and forgetting about it though, because no matter how hard you try you always have that niggling voice at the back of your head reminding you about reality, and that you have lots of work to do. Even if you actually do all the work that has been set, I always find that there is something more you can do. For example, if I finish reading a book and making notes on it, I can always read another book. It is never ending. Of course, you may ask, if you do not like this level of work then why study at Sixth Form. I am not trying to explain that I dislike Sixth Form, it is one of the best experiences of my life so far, I am purely explaining my current thoughts and feelings after completing the first year. As I conclude this post, I feel that I have cleared my mind. I always like making plans and so now I propose this one. I think in order to enjoy the summer break as much as possible, I will need to complete as much work as possible within the next 2-3 weeks so then I have less to worry about for the rest of the summer. Obviously this is much easier said than done, but I will keep you posted on my progress!

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