Last Friday, I completed my final exam which meant that I had officially finished Sixth Form.
All of a sudden, I found that I no longer had to revise for upcoming exams, I had no coursework deadlines to complete and I felt as though all of the pressure and stress had been removed from my life. I then realised that I could spend my time doing things that I love and enjoyed, and so the first thing that I decided to do for myself was to re-design the layout of my own blog. I spent two nights designing and creating a new header and layout, realising that I now have the time to enjoy writing new posts.
Throughout Sixth Form I knew that I loved having a blog profile and wished that I had the time to put in the effort to keep an updated blog. One of the main reasons why I haven't blogged in such a long time is because I wanted to concentrate on my studies, but I also wanted to have the time to write posts which aren't rushed, and so now I feel it is the right time to start writing again.
I feel that this post is a combination of the two things which I love doing. Ever since I created my blog I have loved writing posts on various topics and situations but I feel as though they could have been improved with a few of my own photographs. Cue my second love. Photography. Although I took photography as an A Level subject, I sometimes felt as though I could not always take photos of things that interest me and found that I constantly had to have a critical eye for both my own photos and other photographer's. So when I picked up my camera yesterday the first thing that I wanted to capture was parts of my own life and character.
For as long as I can remember, we have always had pets within our household. These have ranged from cats to parrots, and from fish to hamsters. However, we have always had at least one cat in the household and this probably explains my love for the animals. The four animals which I have included in this post are a combination of old and new additions to our household.
Whilst they are all currently living in our household, they have all been introduced at a different time in my life, but all apparently love having their pictures taken!
In the first photograph is my cat Lily. In July she will be two years old and she has been with me throughout my time at Sixth Form. Just after I started Sixth Form I brought her home when she was only 8 weeks old and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. In the time that she has grown from a tiny kitten to a full grown cat I have completed my A Levels.
Next is my other cat Stripey. In January she turned 10 years old but she is still as playful as ever. When we brought her home at 8 weeks old I was only 7 years old. At this point I was only then starting my education and a decade later she is still with us. Considering this, it's amazing to think how much has happened in this time. I feel as though Stripey can represent my past and all of the things that I have achieved, whereas Lily represents my present.
The next two images are of the two new additions in our household. Delilah and Barnaby are our two Chinchillas and are a change to the previous animals which we have had. This is the first time we've had these types of animal and so I have learnt a lot about them since they have arrived. These two critters represent the change in my life and also represent the future for me, especially as they were introduced at the end of my time at Sixth Form.
I've just realised that I've used my pets as representations for my own life. Wow.